Summer story event:
where you can obtain story areas and items.
Travel Tokens:
You can obtain them in event battles. Use them to move in the event map.
Event map:
There is no limit to how many times you can move. The items U can claim are power ups, orbs and candy coins.
Date and time: 30th July at 11pm to 16th August at 10:59pm.
Login bonus: gems x 100.
Applicable sync pairs:
Steven & Sandslash.
Lyra & Jigglypuff.
Steven & Metagross.
Lyra & Chikorita.
Player Character & Pikachu.
Player Character & Torchic.
Important bits
To able to be involved U must of completed chapter 1 the more the merrier in normal single player mode.
Login bonus are sent to your present box.
Login bonus can only be claimed once a day.
Bonus are reset at 11pm.