Sword and Shield, ep 41 – Pikachu Ateleco Daisakusen /Half Marshtomp

“Pikachu Ateleco Daisakusen”

Meowth from Team Rocket fell asleep due to be having a cold. Musashi and James take this opportunity to get special training so that they could understand “What is Ash’s Pikachu talking about?” This relied heavily on Meowth being the interepter.

“Half, Marshtomp”

Ash and Go meet Marshtomp, who is buried in the ground after the rain and is stuck. When they were trying to help Marshtomp, Ludicolo appeared!?

Jesska the Pokemon Collector

Tracey Miller

I've been a fan of Pokèmon since I was 10 years old. My favourite regions are Kanto and Johto as this is what I grew up with. I have room dedicated to Pokèmon collectables and other toys from the 80's and 90's.

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