Mew the newest to Build-A-Bear

A special Mythical Mew Build-A-Bear has been announced!

The Build-A-Bear US online store has just announced a new bear, it’s Mew! In the early hours of this morning this cute mythical Mew was released online for order. Sadly the US online exclusive is already sold out (well we knew that was coming). Just remember this this is the American version. The American ones have not only the additional clothing but also a voice box that sounds like Mew.

Lets have look!

It will be a few weeks until it will get released here in Australia. We usually travel with a little delay with these guys. Just remember they are in store only for us and the two clothes are separate as soon as I have a date for Australia I’ll update.

If you want to view many other Pokemon Build-A-Bears click here

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper.

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