Pokemon has come to Mc Donalds Hong Kong

Mc Donalds Hong Kong have a Pokemon Themed Campaign!

Pokemon has teamed up with McDonalds in Hong Kong to bring their Pokemon fans not only themed packaging but also some new products on the menu. The new items include “Tastic Beef Rice with Sauce”, “Savoury Tomato Flavored Shake Shake Fries”, “Apple Custard”, “Banana Chocolate Wheat Whirlwind”, “White Peach Special Drink” and The “Gillette Crispy Chicken Rice TASTIC.”

I think this is really cool, but no Pokémon themed items to keep? Like toys or hard plastic cups? That’s what I’d prefer.

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper. https://linktr.ee/Jesska

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