A different type of cleaning Pokemon are coming to max raids!

This one was a real surprise to me! I never really thought of any Pokémon as “cleaning” or assisting to clean. We all know pikachu loves tomato sauce. However the Pokemon Company also disclosed some backstory for each Pokemon.

Mow Rotom is know to keep any yard in order, Cinccino is known for keeping its space tidy, and Wimpod is known as Nature’s Cleaner due to its penchant for eating trash.” Looks like we learn something new everyday.

The following Pokémon will appear in the Wii’s raid dens:

  • Altaria
  • Mow Rotom
  • Cinccino
  • Wimpod

If you’re lucky enough, a Shiny Cinccino may show up. The event starts now until September 5th.

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper. https://linktr.ee/Jesska

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