All-Hands Rocket Retreat

Sunday, April 3, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. to Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. local time

Another Team GO Rocket takeover is happening! Spurred by the recent influx of Pokémon first found in the Alola region, Team GO Rocket is feeling bolder than ever. This time, the villains are trying to prepare for their upcoming company-wide Team GO Rocket Retreat!

Pokémon debuts

Salandit and Salazzle make their debuts in Pokémon GO!

Starting with this event, Salandit will be available to hatch from 12 km Eggs.

You can use 50 Salandit Candy to evolve female Salandit into Salazzle.

Save Shadow Latias!

Giovanni never rests on his laurels. The Boss is back—and he’s got Shadow Latias in tow! A new Special Research story will be available at the beginning of this event. Progress through it to receive a Super Rocket Radar, and chase down Giovanni!

Shadow Latias

Shadow Pokémon

Team GO Rocket Grunts, as well as their Leaders—Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo—are also using different Shadow Pokémon. Help Spark, Blanche, and Candela overcome their adversaries and rescue the Shadow Pokémon! If you’re lucky, you may encounter different Shiny Shadow Pokémon than normal, too!

In addition, Team GO Rocket has also turned the following Pokémon into Shadow Pokémon. Defeat Team GO Rocket Grunts to save them!

  • Shadow Alolan Rattata
  • Shadow Alolan Sandshrew
  • Shadow Alolan Exeggutor
  • Shadow Sudowoodo
  • Shadow Girafarig
  • Shadow Numel

Event Bonuses

  • Team GO Rocket will be appearing more frequently at PokéStops and in balloons.
  • You can use a Charged TM to help a Shadow Pokémon forget the Charged Attack Frustration.

Field Research task encounters

The following Pokémon will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks!

  • Sneasel
  • Scraggy

Event bundles

There’ll be a special one-time-purchase event bundle available for 1275 PokéCoins, featuring 10 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, and 5 Rocket Radars.

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


I have been a fan since the Pokémon Yellow days. I love to collect anything Pokémon-related. I have been playing Pokémon Go since the first day. Team Mystic, Level 46.

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