Finally! Event Cinemas has put up not only pre-order for tickets but what limited edition movie stuff we can get.
Limited Edition Card with Booster Packet
To get these all you have to do is buy a ticket to the movie, which let’s face it we all are anyway. They are while stocks last, so we never know if they have a shit load and give us multiples, or if we see the movie later on we miss out. My advise? Go asap if you want these.
Detective Pikachu Combo
YES the cup looks awesome! but remember it is only a medium combo and costs about $18.00. I guess that’s how they get us, but I want one anyway! This can also be pre-ordered online with your tickets.
If you do miss out, don’t stress. Pokemon are pretty onto how much we want their stuff so they will be around.
Event cinemas aren’t the only cinema airing the Detective Pikachu movie, but have the most limited Pokemon items. This is due to Event Cinemas showing all the usual cartoon movie releases. The movie comes out May 9th so not long! The first showing is at 10.00am with a 12.10pm as well. Me? I found an 18+ showing (I’m not a kid fan).
If you want to book online now use the link below!