Pokémon SHIFT64 Community

Become a part of the new Pokémon SHIFT64 Community!

SHIFT64 also known as SF64 is a gaming community with members that stretch out world wide. This gaming organisation has become so popular they are now opening their very own Pokemon department. This new space will be a safe, chilled, like minded community regardless of age/race/gender or religion. If you love Pokemon your in!

The new Pokemon community will unite all types of Pokemon gamers out there, whether it be switch, 3DS or mobile games. If you are looking for a home to share/trade/discuss/help what they are training, breeding, collecting, jump on board! I already have 🙂

SF64 can be found on five platforms. There is a Facebook Page, Twitter Account, Twitch Channel, Discord Channel (this is where the Pokemon Department currently is) and of course Youtube.

Make sure to take a look at their Discord Channel. This is where the community gets together and shares news/info. There is also many other departments for SF64 such as Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo or individual games like Minecraft, CoD, Apex, Supersmash Bros and many others.

I’ll meet you guys in the Pokemon Department 🙂

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper. https://linktr.ee/Jesska

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