Announcement from the Pokemon Company: Australian Pokemon Online Store Confirmed!
Great news, everyone! Confirming what was shared earlier today by Serebii, the long-awaited Australian and New Zealand Pokemon online store is finally becoming a reality. Say goodbye to those hefty freight fees from the US or the UK because we’re getting our very own official online Pokemon store!

Here’s what we know so far: the Pokemon Center in Australia and New Zealand will have a soft launch soon, followed by an official release in these markets shortly after. You can now find the confirmation on the official US Pokemon online store, along with the option to sign up for email updates.

If you want to stay in the loop about the Australian and NZ stores, you can sign up for further information using this link. Just be sure to select Australia from the dropdown menu.
Get ready, folks! I predict there’ll be server crashes and who knows what else on opening day because Pokemon is about to make a big splash in Australia!