‘Eevee Heroes’ Booster Pack And VMAX Special Set

The Eevee Heroes booster pack and it’s VMAX Special Set have now been revealed!

This is a set I am personally very excited about! Let’s take a look!

This set will feature Umbreon VMAX, Leafeon VMAX, Glaceon VMAX and Sylveon VMAX. Sylveon will be a psychic type, not a fairy type.

The sets bundle pack, VMAX Special Set will feature either Vaporeon VMAX, Flareon VMAX, Jolteon VMAX or Espeon VMAX as a full art promo. Flareon VMAX will be a Single Strike Pokèmon, Vaporeon VMAX will be a Rapid Strike Pokèmon and Espeon VMAX will have a special ability. You will get one of four promos inside a special VMAX booster pack along with three matching reverse holo Energy cards. Each bundle will also include eight Eevee Heroes booster packs. They will cost 1,870 yen. You can see a photo of the VMAX Special Set above.

The sets gold Pokemon card will be Inteleon from Sword and Shield. Just like all good cards, Inteleon will be shiny.

Each five card booster pack will come with a new “puzzle card” so there will be six cards in total in each booster pack. The puzzle cards you can play a standalone puzzle game. This is to appeal to Pokèmon fans who don’t play Pokèmon TCG.

The booster packs artwork will feature all eight Eeveelutions with Umbeon and Sylveon being the most prominent. Here’s an image of what the packs will look like.

Eevee Heroes will have a high number of Special Art Cards, possibly one for each Eeveelution.

Eevee Heroes our Japan’s S6a set and will release on May 28 and will feature all eight Eeveelutions. The set will feature 69 cards before Secret Rares. The set will also come out with a special bundle package called ” Eeveelution set” this will come with two booster boxes of Eevee Heroes, a set of 64 card sleeves, a deck box, a card storage box and the VMAX promo pack. This will retail for 11, 330 or around $107.

At the moment it’s hard to tell how this set will release overseas. It could be apart of our November set to celebrate the release of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. We will also be getting a special 25th anniversary that we know nothing about yet.

I feel like this will be a great set and im lookinb forward to its release.

Jesska the Pokemon Collector

Tracey Miller

I've been a fan of Pokèmon since I was 10 years old. My favourite regions are Kanto and Johto as this is what I grew up with. I have room dedicated to Pokèmon collectables and other toys from the 80's and 90's.

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