Pokémon originally discovered in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Alola, and Galar have all been seen in Pokémon GO so far. But on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, you’ll also begin to see Pokémon originally discovered in Kalos, the region where Mega Evolution was first discovered!
Pokémon originally discovered in the Kalos region are coming!
Pokémon such as Chepsin, Fennekin, Froakie, Fletchling, and their Evolutions will be coming to Pokémon GO—including the highly anticipated Greninja and Talonflame! Pyroar will also be available in both of its forms. Here’s a list of many of the Pokémon you can expect to encounter either in the wild, through Evolution, or by hatching Eggs starting on December 2, 2020.
- Chespin
- Quilladin
- Chesnaught
- Fennekin
- Braixen
- Delphox
- Froakie
- Frogadier
- Greninja
- Bunnelby
- Diggersby
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Litleo
- Pyroar
- Klefki (Please note that Klefki will be appearing only in France.)
Chespin Quilladin Chesnaught Fennekin Braixen Delphox Froakie Frogadier Greninja Bunnelby Diggersby Fletchling Fletchinder Talonflame Litleo Pyroar Klefki
Celebrate the arrival of new Pokémon with a special event!
From Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday December 8, 2020, at 10:00 p.m. local time, Pokémon originally discovered in the Kalos region will be appearing more often in the wild! More details to come soon.
A mysterious Raid Egg?
There seems to be a mysterious Pokémon preparing to hatch from a one-star Raid Egg soon! We’re tracking the progress of this Egg on our social channels, and we might need your help to get it to hatch sooner!