The McDonalds US Happy Meal promotion will start on February 9 to celebrate Pokémon’s 25th anniversary. An ad has been spotted at a local McDonald’s that shows that the happy meal will come with promo cards, a sticker sheet and what looks like could possibly be a card frame.

Happy Meals will come with 4 of 25 promo cards featuring the starter Pokémon from each region Each card is a reprint of the but will have the 25th anniversary stamp on the corner of the artwork. The previous McDonald’s promotion cards were printed on holofoil paper so it is expected that these would be thein holo and non-holo same.
The previous promotion, the Happy Meals came with 1 of 12 promo cards, so Pokémon are going all out with this promotion. You can purchase the card without buying the Happy Meal itself, just ask at the front counter to purchase it separately.
This promotion will start in less than two weeks, I am definitely excited for this. I am hoping that it will be released in Australia.
More information has been revealed about the McDonald’s promotion, we now know that each of the 25 cards will be available in holo and non-holo this will add up to a total of 50 cards all up. I feel for promotion that doesn’t go for a very long time this is an awful lot of cards.
The cards will feature the 24 starter Pokémon plus Pikachu of course. The booster packs will come with four cards. Each pack will come with a different Pokémon one as a holo and the other three as non holos, The official dates for this promotion are February 9th until March 8th, so this is pretty much a month long promotion