Kawada the manufacture of our well loved nano blocks has announced new Pokemon to the collection. We have four new nano blocks coming so let’s have a look!
This nano block set is special! I believe it is the only Pokemon Nano that supply you with both standard and Galarian coloured blocks, so you can choose which type of Slowpoke you want.
- Release Date: August 1st
- Difficulty: Level 2
- Pieces: 140
Galarian Farfetch’d

- Release Date: August 1st
- Difficulty: Level 2
- Pieces: 190

- Release Date: Mid September
- Difficulty: Level 2
- Pieces: 160
Galarian Ponyta

- Release Date: Mid September
- Difficulty: Level 2
- Pieces: 180
All release date’s are for Japan, not Australia. It is most likely we will get them, there is just a few months delay. I estimate around December.