New TCG products hitting EB Games Shelves

In the coming month we have a lot coming to us through eb games so this list is going to be pretty big!

We’ll kick things off by looking at some of the older stuff that looks like it’ll be scoring re-prints this wave.

Hidden Fates Premium Powers collection:
 This collectors box contains 3- full art foils of Shiny Rayquaza-GX plus Gold variants of Solgaleo GX and Lunala GX. An interesting thing to note is that it is the Solgaleo that helped Mewtwo and Mew TTGX win worlds last year meaning it would make a brilliant addition to anyone trying to max rare their decks.

It also has the full art oversize foil that are standard for these sets. 7 Hidden fates boosters and a nifty poster.

Set to be released February 2020

Hidden Fate’s Collectors Tin:
So with these guys there are three to choose from in Charizard-GX, Gyarados-GX and Raichu-Gx.

Each tin contains 1 foil of the pokemon the Tin is themed after as well as 4 hidden fates booster packs.

Set to be released Friday 31st of January 2020

Meowth VMAX Special Collection Box:
This pack contains 2 foil promo cards of Meowth V and Meowth VMAX
and oversized foil card featuring Meowth VMAX and 5 random booster packs.  

Set to be released Sunday 19th of January 2020

Sword and Shield Booster Box:
$198 pre-order price. ($252 rrp)
The main event for the month. A standard booster box with 36 packs and 10 cards a pack.

I’m going to mention the booster packs ($7) here too because the box is just this but like, x36.

Both are set to release February 7th 2020

Pokemon Sword and Shield Elite Trainer Box:
So this is probably the biggest bang for the buck today featuring:

8 Sword and Shield Booster Packs.

65 card sleeves featuring Zacian and Zamazenta.

45 Energy Cards

A guide to the sword and shield expansion

6 damage counter dice

I competitive legal coin-flip dice

2 acrylic condition markers

A collectors box with divider to keep it neat.

This product is set to released Friday 7th of February 2020

Three Booster Blister Pack:
It comes with either a Morpeko or Galarian Ponyta

3 booster packs

1 coin.  

 Set to release Friday 7th of February 2020

Alolan Sandslash GX Box
Very similar to the Meowth box:

1 foil promo of Alolan Sandslash GX

1 oversize foil promo of the same nature

4 random booster packs

Set to released January 24th 2020

Sword & Shield Collectors Album:
Just a booster pack and a pocket album

Set to release February 7th 2020

The Great Ball series:

These are a set of Great ball themed items all sold individually.

65 pack of Sleeves: $12

Great Ball Portfolio: $20

Great Ball Binder: $40

Great Ball deck box: $5

All of them are set to be released on February 1st 2020

Sword and Shield Theme decks:
Three pre-constructed 60 card decks modeled around Grookey, Scorbunny and Sobble.

Set to release February 7th 2020

Sword and Shield Ultra Pro Portfolio:
 Image is at the top of the article otherwise follow the link in the sub-header for this section.

Set to release February 7th 2020

Jesska the Pokemon Collector

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