Newest Pop Vinyl’s have been revealed

Four new Pokemon Pop Vinyls have been announced!!!

First of all FAN GIRL SCREAM!!!

An image has emerged of the next four Pokemon Pop Vinyls soon to be hitting out hot little hands. I know you are dying to see them so I wont hold you up any longer.

First up we have Angry Pika!

Okay I’ll say it, we already have two types of Pikachu pops do we really need another? Probably not but now that it’s coming we all need to collect them all right?


I really love this design. Hes ready for attack mode! Just like at the start of every Pokemon journey, all the level 3 Rattata’s want to take you on in battle.


Isn’t he a good boy! He is going to be a big hit that’s for sure. Who wouldn’t love their own fire type dog. I know I do.


Awwwww isn’t he cute, little baby Cubone. Every time I see a Cubone it makes me think of the one that lost it’s mother in the original Pokemon Anime.

OK so now we know who’s coming to town! There is no release dates made as of yet but we do have the other Pokemon Pops announced last month that will show up in store first. Haven’t seen those ones? Check it out there’ a Mewtwo! Click Here!

I’ll give you more details as they come guys 🙂

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper.

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