“Pokémon Day” on Thursday, February 27th

To commemorate “Pokémon Day” there will be raid events, in-game events and movie release dates!

February 27th 1996, the day Pokemon was born. What an amazing time for the 90’s who would have thought 24 years later Pokemon is still charging ahead not only in games but also in merchandise, TV and movies.

The Pokemon’ first games ever released ‘Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green’ were released on a Tuesday back on Feb 27th 1996. With appreciation to all the Pokemon fans, the Japan Memorial Day Association have actually approved his date as the official ‘Pokemon Day’.

Let’s see what Pokemon have in store to celebrate this god gifted day.

At this stage only the events have been confirmed, once the Pokemon have been announced, I will update 🙂

Pokemon Sword & Shield

  • A special Max Raid battle will be held
  • A new Phantom Pokemon will be revealed

Pokemon Go

  • A special in-game event will be held

Pokemon Masters

  • Latest information will be announced

Pokemon Movie Department

The newest Pokemon movie in the line up ‘The Movie Coco’ has been confirmed to be released in Japan cinemas on Friday July 10th 2020. Not only that but a new Phantom Pokemon (also to be revealed in the Sword and Shield games) will be featured in the new movie.

We have a lot of new Pokemon news to look forward too!

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper. https://linktr.ee/Jesska

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