Here are the events happening during the month of June.
June’s Research Breakthrough encounter: Trapinch with bonus Trapinch Candies
From Monday, June 1, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. to Wednesday, July 1, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7), Trapinch, the Ant Pit Pokémon, will be available as a Research Breakthrough encounter.

Zekrom makes its electrifying Pokémon GO debut
Starting Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT (GMT −7), Zekrom, the Deep Black Pokémon, will be waiting for you to challenge it in five-star raids. In addition, there will be Raid Hour events featuring Zekrom every Wednesday while it’s in five-star raids.
- Wednesday, June 17, 2020, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time
- Wednesday, June 24, 2020, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time
- Wednesday, July 1, 2020, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time

Throwback Challenge 2020 Special Research
Congratulations to Trainers who completed all four Timed Research lines! You’ve earned access to the Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research. Join Professor Willow as you rediscover Pokémon originally found in the Unova region and meet Pokémon originally discovered in the Galar region as they make their Pokémon GO debut. Complete all four sets of tasks in this Special Research to earn five Rare Candies; reward encounters with Galarian Meowth, Galarian Stunfisk, and Genesect; and Professor Willow’s glasses as an exclusive avatar item! Unlike the previous sets of Timed Research, this Special Research isn’t time-limited and can be unlocked and completed at any time.
Don’t worry if you couldn’t complete all Timed Research lines—you’ll be able to purchase a ticket for the Throwback Challenge Celebration 2020 Special Research in the shop, which will grant you the same tasks and rewards as the Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research. If you already have access to the Throwback Challenge Champion 2020 Special Research and purchase a ticket for the Throwback Challenge Celebration 2020 Special Research in the shop, you’ll receive a version of the Throwback Challenge Celebration 2020 Special Research with the following changes: each time you would’ve earned a reward encounter with a Pokémon, you instead will earn 10 Candies for that specific Pokémon, and you’ll earn Stardust instead of Professor Willow’s glasses.
All Trainers can still enjoy an event taking place during the same time period. In this event, Galarian Stunfisk will be appearing in the wild, and you can hatch Galarian Meowth, Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Darumaka, and Galarian Stunfisk from 7 km Eggs. Plus, try evolving Galarian Meowth, Galarian Zigzagoon, and Galarian Darumaka!
The solstice-themed event and the Bug Out event return to Pokémon GO
Some familiar events are coming back later this month.
- The solstice-themed event will run from Friday, June 19, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. to Wednesday, June 24, 2020, at 10:00 p.m. local time
- The Bug Out event will run from Friday, June 26, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. to Wednesday, July 1, 2020, at 10:00 p.m. local time
We’ll share more details as we get closer to the event dates.
Upcoming Pokémon Spotlight Hours
In the month of June, Pokémon Spotlight Hour will take place every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. local time except for June 2, and each hour will spotlight a different Pokémon and special bonus!
- Tuesday, June 2, 2020: There will be no Pokémon Spotlight Hour.
- Tuesday, June 9, 2020: Patrat will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the XP for evolving Pokémon.
- Tuesday, June 16, 2020: Numel will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the Stardust for catching Pokémon.
- Tuesday, June 23, 2020: Clefairy will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the XP for catching Pokémon. If you’re lucky, you might encounter Shiny Clefairy!
- Tuesday, June 30, 2020: Kricketot will be in the spotlight, and you’ll earn twice the Candy for catching Pokémon.
Special Bonuses
The in-app special bonuses (2x Inciense duration, 1/2 Egg hatch distance, open and send more gifts, and no walking requirement for the GO Battle League) have been extended through the month of June.