Custom made Pokemon Stamps!

That’s right pick your favourite Gen 2 Pokemon, select stamp or self inking stamp, add your name in Japanese and that’s it.

Check out the Pokemon example’s stamps below.

There are three different types to select from. Honestly some sound a bit odd to me but hey the Japanese surprise me everyday.

Self Inking Stamp

There are seven different colours for the body and four different ink colours to choose from.

Meat / Bank Stamp White

Meat / Bank Stamp Black

Both of the Meat/Bank Stamps come in a special Pokemon Pon case to protect it. It also comes in a special box.

How amazing right? I need an Entei stamp with my name on it to add to the Pokemon room!

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper.

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