Pokemon Sword & Shield Plushes

New Legendary and Life Size Plushes are Coming!

Released on the same day as the game release is the Sword and Shield Plushes. We have new ones, yes different to the ones you can get at EB/Gamestop currently.

First up we have the Legendary Pokemon Zacian and Zamazenta.

I’m still looking for more details on these like the size, I think roughly they are the size of a medium plush. I really love these Wolf type legendaries, but I am a little disappointed with the Zamazenta plush. The way his head and shield is made it just looked a tad squished.

Next we have the Sword and Shield starter Pokemon BUT in life size plushes. Now if you have been to the Pokemon Center or are a collector you will be aware that Life Size Pokemon Center plushes are just beautiful but are an investment. I wish I had purchased the life size Entei plush back in 2004 for a lazy $500-600 because now not only is it hard to find one, they are now at the $3000+ mark. So if you love these starters make sure to get in to save yourself some money.

  • Grookey: 50cm
  • Scorbunny: 75cm
  • Sobble: 55cm

Scorbunny takes the cake at a whopping 75cm tall!

Next we have the starter Pokemon Mascots.

All these items are set to be released in Pokemon Centers around Japan and online on November 15th. Only 11 days to go…. are you counting too?

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper. https://linktr.ee/Jesska

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