Pokémon TCG Pocket: Space-Time Smackdown Expansion Adds New Secret Missions
The Pokémon TCG Pocket mobile game has introduced brand-new Secret Missions as part of the Space-Time Smackdown expansion! These hidden challenges do not appear in the mission list until they are completed, adding an extra layer of difficulty for players seeking exclusive rewards.
New Secret Missions in Space-Time Smackdown
Players can now attempt to complete the following Secret Missions:
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1
- Objective: Collect the full artwork versions of Tangrowth, Shaymin, Combee, Shinx, Mamoswine, Drifloon, Lucario, Mesprit, Bidoof, Heatran, Croagunk, and Regigigas.
- Reward: Pack Hourglasses ×12, Wonder Hourglasses ×36, Shop Tickets ×10
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2
- Objective: Collect the full artwork versions of Rhyperior, Glameow, Spiritomb, Staraptor, Garchomp, Hippopotas, Carnivine, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Cresselia, Giratina, and Rotom.
- Reward: Pack Hourglasses ×12, Wonder Hourglasses ×36, Shop Tickets ×10
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3
- Objective: Collect the full artwork two-star rarity versions of Yanmega ex, Pachirisu ex, Gallade ex, and Darkrai ex.
- Reward: Pack Hourglasses ×12, Wonder Hourglasses ×36, Shop Tickets ×10
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4
- Objective: Collect the full artwork two-star rarity versions of Infernape ex, Mismagius ex, Lickilicky ex, and Weavile ex.
- Reward: Pack Hourglasses ×12, Wonder Hourglasses ×36, Shop Tickets ×10
Champion of the Sinnoh Region
- Objective: Collect the full-artwork versions of Spiritomb, Gastrodon, Lucario, Garchomp, and the two-star full-artwork Cynthia card.
- Reward: Garchomp-themed emblem
Previously Existing Secret Missions
For those catching up, Pokémon TCG Pocket also features Secret Missions from past expansions like Genetic Apex and Mythical Island, including:
- Complete the Kanto Pokédex! – Collect all 150 original Gen 1 Pokémon to receive a Pokémon TCG Pocket Mew card.
- Genetic Apex Museum Missions – Featuring Charizard, Mewtwo, and Pikachu with full-art card collections.
- The Gym Leaders of Kanto – Unlock by collecting all eight Gym Leader cards.
- The Legendary Flight Continues – Requires collecting full-art versions of Moltres ex, Zapdos ex, and Articuno ex.
- Mythical Island Missions – Focused on legendary Pokémon like Mew ex, Celebi ex, and Aerodactyl ex.
For a full list of past Secret Missions, check out our coverage on Pokémon TCG Pocket!
Start Collecting Now!
These missions provide exciting challenges for dedicated players looking to complete their full artwork collections and earn valuable rewards. Whether you’re hunting down rare Pokémon or unlocking hidden achievements, Pokémon TCG Pocket continues to offer fresh ways to engage with the Pokémon Trading Card Game on mobile.
Will you be tackling these Secret Missions? Let us know in the comments!