Trainers worldwide can now Go Beyond Level 40 in Pokemon Go and reach up to Level 50! Leveling up won’t be easy, and you will not simply jump into a new level with the extra XP you may have. You need to complete some tasks in addition to earning XP over the 5,000,000 needed to reach Level 40.

Here are the XP and tasks required for each level. The tasks for level 49 and 50 have not been revealed yet, only hints.

Level 416,000,000 XP
Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times
Win 30 raids
Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day
Earn 5 Gold Medals
Level 427,500,000 XP
Evolve Eevee into each of its unique evolutions
Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times
Make 3 Excellent Throws
Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon
Level 439,000,000 XP
Earn 100,000 Stardust
Use 200 Supereffective Charged Attacks
Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon
Earn 5 Platinum Medals
Level 4411,000,000 XP
Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League
Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League
Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League
Win 20 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League
Level 4513,000,000 XP
Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket Grunts
Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times
Get 10 Platinum Medals
Level 4615,500,000 XP
Complete 100 Field Research Tasks
Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row
Make 50 Excellent Throws
Hatch 30 Eggs
Level 4718,000,000 XP
Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species
Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less
Power up 6 Pokémon to their max CP
Get 20 Platinum Medals
Level 4821,000,000
Receive 20 Souvenirs from your buddy
Earn 300 hearts with your buddy
Walk 200 km with your buddy
Walk 25km in a week 8 times
Level 49“Reach level 49 by sending Gifts, acquiring Lucky Pokémon through trades, and more”
Level 50“To reach the highest available level in Pokémon GO, you must master all aspects of the game. Some examples include making Excellent Throws, catching Legendary Pokémon, and defeating Team GO Rocket Leaders with Pokémon under 1,500 CP”
Jesska the Pokemon Collector


I have been a fan since the Pokémon Yellow days. I love to collect anything Pokémon-related. I have been playing Pokémon Go since the first day. Team Mystic, Level 46.

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