Scorbunny’s Fiery Kick! Working For tomorrow!! – Sword and Shield Ep 17

Scorbunny gets fired up to a whole new level!

As Pikachu and Scorbunny were training, Go’s Darmanitan comes over to try and get Scorbunny to use a Fire type move. Scorbunny makes an attempt to use Ember, but unfortunately it doesn t go well and gets made fun of.

Scorbunny gets irritated about getting made fun of and starts practicing the move with Go. Next something amazing happens!

Watch it below 🙂

Jesska the Pokemon Collector

Tracey Miller

I've been a fan of Pokèmon since I was 10 years old. My favourite regions are Kanto and Johto as this is what I grew up with. I have room dedicated to Pokèmon collectables and other toys from the 80's and 90's.

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