Your guide to playing Pokémon GO at home is coming soon

The upcoming Play at Home section in the Poké Ball menu will soon be your go-to source for info on all the features that let you play the game in individual settings, wherever you are. Before Play at Home is released in the app, it will be available on the Pokémon GO website on this link:

Play at Home will initially cover six categories: Catch, Gift, Battle, Research, Buddy, and Style. Take a quick refresher course on long-standing features, such as using Incense and dressing up your Trainer avatar with items from the Style Shop. You can also learn all about recent updates, such as how to get a daily bonus Field Research task without spinning a PokéStop and how to initiate a Trainer Battle via QR Code.

You can use all features detailed in Play at Home wherever you can play. We hope this guide will help you continue your Pokémon GO adventures.

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


I have been a fan since the Pokémon Yellow days. I love to collect anything Pokémon-related. I have been playing Pokémon Go since the first day. Team Mystic, Level 46.

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