Three more Pokemon will be coming to the BIGMore collection!

Sansei have just released the first snaps of the third release of the BIGMore collection.

This time we have Pichu, Tyranitar and Dragonite

These guys will follow the usual tread and be released in different months. All three will be released next year though, so we have time to save our pennies.

Pichu to be released in January

Tyranitar to be released in February

Dragonite to be released in March

This now brings the total of BIGMore plushes to nine. Check out the others here Release 1, Release 2. Do you have a favourite one so far? I know that Tyranitar is calling my name that’s for sure.

Pre-orders will be available soon, I will update the post when ready 🙂

Jesska the Pokemon Collector


An Artist, a Web Designer but most of all a Pokemon Collector! Owner of the Pokemon Newspaper.

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